Your Clients' Complaints From Head to Toe

Approved for 4 CEs for LMTs through the NCBTMB. This series includes two 2 hr mastery sessions where we talk through Structural Dynamics strategies for addressing common pain syndromes from foot to head. We systematically work our way through the body, discussing approaches for everything from hammer toes to headaches, patellofemoral pain syndrome to lateral epicondylitis and everything in between.

Supplemental Material

In addition to the 4 hour series, you get access to 10+ training videos including:

  • Relevant hands-on demo sessions,
  • Functional embodiments,
  • Applied skills labs,
  • A bonus functional stretching self-care video for therapists.
Lower Body
Lower Body

In the Lower Body section, we explore bunions, hammer toes, ankle mobility, knee issues, the IT band, hip instability, and SI joint pain.

Upper Body
Upper Body

In the upper body section, we cover hip and lower back pain, thoracic spine mobility and its importance in shoulder and hip function, rotator cuff and neck issues, all the way to carpal tunnel syndrome.

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Our goal is to help make good therapists great.

This course is designed to help you understand the body from a more dynamic, comprehensive perspective so that you can apply your hands on tools more specifically to address your clients' issues.

Understand the functional and structural dynamics underlying your clients' most common complaints so you can help solve them for good.