Optimize Communication in the Body

Our body is designed with 32 reciprocal pairs that support balance, harmony, and peak physical performance when they are optimized and balanced. Balancing these areas helps to balance the structure, function, and wei chi systems as well as the acupuncture meridians.

These pairs provide a lens through which we can understand how the proprioceptive nervous system works to guide the function (and structure) of the body. In Integrative Anatomy, you will learn what these points are and how to utilize them, giving you a new way to prepare your clients for body work, enhance your work on specific structural and functional issues, as well as integrate your sessions after you are finished.  

Each part of the body also has a specific psychological aspect in addition to its structural and functional role. You will learn what each area of the body represents on a consciousness/psychological level allowing you to better understand and optimize your clients’ physical and emotional postural expressions.

Integrative Anatomy isn’t just a technique but rather an integrative approach to understanding the dynamics of the human body that will help you be a more efficient and effective practitioner, no matter what modality(ies) you use.

The Three Levels

Our bodies are Functional, Structural, and Energetic. Each aspect relates to the others, and has its own dynamics. We learn to assess and treat the body on all three levels

Energetic Balancing

The reciprocals are pairs that can be used to balance all three levels of the body quickly - restoring communication and optimizing the body energetically, structurally, and functionally.

In Action

Understanding and balancing all three levels enhances any type of work you do. Understand consciousness patterns underneath tension and restriction to help your clients restore harmony and quickly enhance performance.

Enroll in the Course

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start?

The course starts as soon as you register! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.

How long do I have access to the course?

You have unlimited, lifetime access until the internet stops existing! And if we update or edit the course, you will have automatic access to those updates as well.

Do I get CEU's for this course?

Yes! This course is approved by NCBTMB for 4CEs for LMTs. Upon successfully completing your assessment after, you'll receive your certficate.

I prefer in person training - do you have those as well?

Yes! We'd love to see you in person. Check out our upcoming trainings at Trunamics.com/take-action

Lynn Teachworth

Lynn has been in the bodywork, human performance, and energy medicine fields for over thirty years.  He is certified in over thirty complementary medicine modalities.  His clients include CEO’s and Presidents of many Fortune 500 companies as well as over a 1000 professional athletes in the areas of sports injuries and physical/mental performance. He is a 2018 inductee into the World Massage Hall of Fame and has been an instructor in Massage Therapy and Structural Integration theory for over 17 years, teaching in eight different countries.

This course integrates his backgrounds in energy and consciousness-based work with structural and functional approaches to support rapid change for your clients.